Marlingford and Colton
Parish Council

14th January Agenda Receipts and Payments 3rd quarter accounts Tree work quote 1 Tree work quote 2 ​ Draft minutes
12th November Agenda Receipts and Payments 2nd quarter accounts Draft reserve policy Tree Survey Draft budget Website quote Proposed 2025 meeting dates Draft minutes​
10th September Agenda Receipts and Payments Draft Financial Regulations 1st quarter accounts Tree survey quote 1 Tree survey quote 2
Planning training quote ​ Draft minutes
July meeting - cancelled, not quorate
14th May Agenda Receipts and Payments Standing Orders Internal Auditors Report Internal Audit report - AGAR Annual Governance Statement Accounting Statement 23/24 End of year accounts Draft minutes
14th May Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
12th March Agenda Biodiversity Policy Receipts and Payments Draft minutes
9th January Agenda Receipts and Payments 3rd quarter accounts Asset inspection report Minutes
12th December Agenda Receipts and Payments Draft Budget 24/25 Minutes
14th November Agenda Receipts and Payments Grass Cutting Quote 1 Grass Cutting Quote 2 Amenity Area quote 1 Amenity Area quote 2 Draft Budget 24/25
10th October Agenda Receipts and Payments 2nd Quarter Accounts Risk Assessment Training and Development Policy Minutes
12th September Agenda Receipts and Payments Draft SNC PSPO Complaints Policy Financial Regulations Statement of Internal Control Risk Assessment - general First Quarter Accounts Minutes
11th July - Agenda Receipts and Payments Retention of Documents Destruction of Records Privacy Statement Data Protection Policy Minutes
13th June - Agenda Draft Grant awarding policy Receipts and Payments
16th May - Parish Council Annual Meeting agenda
Receipts and Payments Code of Conduct Accounting Statement Annual Governance Statement Annual Internal Report Minutes
11th April - Parish Council Meeting - agenda | Minutes
11th April Annual Parish Meeting - agenda | Draft minutes
February - no meeting
13th December - Agenda _ Postponed
17th May - Annual Meeting - Minutes
12th April - Parish Council Meeting - Minutes
12th April - Annual Parish Meeting, Minutes
Community Car Scheme report - please contact the Parish Clerk
Marlingford Village Hall report
13th April, Annual Parish Meeting - Draft Minutes
Marlingford Village Hall Report
Agendas are published the week before a Tuesday meeting, both here and on the village noticeboards.
They are then replaced by the minutes of the meeting which are available to read between one to two weeks after a council meeting. Minutes are initially published in draft form before being approved at the next council meeting.

Copies of older minutes are available from the Clerk upon request.