Marlingford and Colton
Parish Council

About the Parish Councillors
John Morse, Chairman
I have served on the Marlingford and Colton Parish Council since April
2021. Now retired, I have previously worked in senior management and
executive roles in the Oil & Gas and, subsequently the Offshore Renewables
Sectors, having originally qualified as a geologist and marine geophysicist.
Before moving to Colton 14 years ago, I spent a large part on my career living
overseas, including an eight-year spell in Houston, Texas, and earlier periods
living in Singapore and the Middle East. I transferred into the offshore
renewables industry in 2005, initially based in Great Yarmouth, and most recently
with my own company. It was in this latter capacity that I also served as a board
member and President (Great Yarmouth) of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce.
Until very recently, I also supported the development of schools, by serving as a
Trustee Board Member for a local primary academy trust, as well as providing
employment guidance and student mentoring to a Great Yarmouth Secondary
School, through the Local Enterprise Advisor scheme, operated by the LEP, and
was a founder trustee of the Norwich-based University Technical College.
I come from a rural background, having spent a great deal of my formative years
on our family farm in Wiltshire. I therefore believe I am aware of many of the
issues that face a non-urban setting.
David Woods
Colton has been my home since 1991, although I was born and brought up in Norwich and worked as a London-based publisher before retiring in 2011. I have a wide range of interests, including music, walking, current affairs, the environment, reading, gardening, writing, travel and the fortunes of The Canaries.
Debbie Perfect
A relative newcomer to Colton having moved to the village in 2022 from Buckinghamshire with my husband and son. We were drawn to the area for it's quiet (but convenient) location and lovely local walks.
I work full time in the NHS as a Community Nurse, covering the Breckland area.
I enjoy spending my free time with our dogs; taking them for walks, attending obedience and ringcraft training, and the odd show or two. At some point we might even try flyball!
I also enjoy baking (and eating) cakes.
I look forward to listening to and representing parishioners with regards to any concerns that may adversely affect them and/or our lovely parish, and will happily spend time listening to any ideas and suggestions parishioners may have that could benefit the area.
Mark Pfeiffer
After working in Germany for a number of years my family and I relocated to Norfolk in 1999. This was partially due to our love of cycling in flatter terrain and also to family connections in the area.
My working life was spent in the media industry across Europe and I was involved with the development of a significant magazine production plant in the North West of the UK between 2005 and 2023.
As a resident of Marlingford since 2003 my family has enjoyed taking part in Village life (who will ever forget the “White Marrows” air display?) and I am keen to ensure that our Village retains its lovely rural character whilst having an eye to the future and the benefits and independence it can bring.

David Woods

Debbie Perfect